Over the last few years, the relationship between faith and democracy has been of growing interest to funders. While there has long been a robust debate in America about the proper relationship between government and religions, there is also a sustained and evolving relationship between faith and democracy. Plenty of headlines have spotlighted the ways they are influencing each other–both positively and negatively.

How are grantmakers to make sense of it all?

This new guide aims to explore the role of faith communities in shaping and making American civic life, while providing a framework for funders to engage with faith communities as partners in advancing a stronger and more inclusive democracy.

Featured resources

Who is this guide for?

This guide is meant for funders who are:

Focused on democracy and civic life and want to increase their impact by engaging faith communities.

• Already investing in faith-inspired organizations but who are seeking a deeper understanding of the unique role those organizations play in the health of democracy and civic life.

• Anyone else who cares about the intersection of faith, democracy, civic engagement, and public life.

Join us in phoenix

The Faith and Democracy Summit aims to create a moment for discussion and action around faith and democracy, provide a series of “how to” sessions around important and challenging aspects of working at this intersection, share our major findings from PACE’s three-year Faith In/And Democracy initiative, and strengthen relationships around this topic for stronger collaborations and investment moving forward.

Additional Resources

Faith communities have long contributed to American democracy and civic life. They have served as custodians of democratic values and builders of much of the civic infrastructure that supports our democracy today.

Why are some so hesitant to integrate faith communities into their efforts to strengthen democracy?

 In this episode of Keeping PACE, Kristen presents PACE’s new Funding Guide for Faith and Democracy, shares why she is personally excited about the project, and why she thinks the project was a worthy pursuit.

Interested in Funding at the intersection of faith and democracy?

From 2019-2022, PACE facilitated a pooled fund which granted over $1 million to more than 30 faith-inspired organizations.

We also organized a learning community of 35 practitioners, academics, funders, and analysts who gathered regularly to consolidate knowledge regarding best practices for successful work and funding at this intersection.

Our hope is to amplify the good and necessary work happening at the faith-democracy nexus to generate increased interest, attention, and resources from philanthropy. We would love to connect and tell you how to get involved.

Siri Erickson
FIAD Support Lead


Philanthropy for Active Civic Engagement
611 Pennsylvania Ave SE, #372
Washington, DC 20003


Telephone: 202-753-9917
Email: info@pacefunders.org